Thursday 6 February 2014

What is wrong with Delhi women?

A few days ago, my friend broke up with his ‘Delhi’ girl. He was really depressed because he had just lost a Delhi girl and Delhi girls are supposed to be the hottest, right? He kept on saying that how there was never going to be another girl like her, etc, etc.  I asked her if he was in love with her, he said “ No, but she was  so hot.”
It got me thinking of the Delhi girls I had dated back in my college years. They are one unique breed I must say. I tried recalling their faces.  But I could not. A very faint picture of them arose in my mind and I swear they all looked so similar that they could morph into each other. If Leela had replaced Sheela in my bed, I swear with all honesty, I would not have suspected a thing and fucked away like nothing was wrong. And no, it is not because I am an asshole and I do not see how every woman is precious and unique, it is because they all do really look the same. It got me thinking if it was me who was dating the same type of girls again and again or did the girls in Delhi did resemble each other a lot?
Next time when I met my inconsolable friend with his 101 ways of how his ‘Delhi’ girl was irreplaceable, I asked him to show me a picture of her.  And boy! Was she a ‘hot Delhi girl’! If I had not met her personally, talked to her and know very surely that I had not dated her, going by her looks; I swear she could have replaced my ‘Delhi’ girls easily.  She had the standard design that every hot girl in Delhi has. The same pale complexion made paler with visible streaks of makeup, hook nose which could easily be used as a peg to hang clothes, eyes lined with kohl, dark really dark which when in the sweaty hot weather of Delhi bleeds and gives the impression that someone had punched her and given her two black eyes and pin straight hair which looked like the tail of a horse. I have had my hands bruised by the razor sharpness of pin straight hair many times when I romantically moved my fingers on a woman’s neck. They are so sharp that they can be used for fencing.
I looked at my friend disgusted that he was crying over a girl who was so ‘’ even when he was not in love with her.  He cried those bucket loads of tears all for nothing when he could replace his hot Delhi girl with another hot Delhi girl in the same model and fuck away blissfully. Women in Delhi are being mass produced by salons. These women are like cars and these parlours like their manufacturers. You lose one car in an accident; you go buy another one with the same specifications, hook nose, kohl, and straightened hair. It is as easy as that. How else do you explain the same model of hotness that almost every ‘hot’ Delhi woman sports? It is like every time a woman goes for the same model or specification, she gets a hotness certificate which reads “Aap hot hain” ( Uncle Sam style). And this certificate comes with many valuable guarantees and advantages that my friend was not aware of. The certificate is just not of value to women but to men too. While it hikes a woman’s dating value a great deal when she has the standard specifications and the hotness certificate to flaunt, it also comes with the guarantee of easy replacibility for men.  And Delhi women are to be blamed if you are slowly seeing such ‘hot’ women in the standard model at a store near you.
Delhi hot
So next time you lose a Delhi women hot in all her hook nosed, pale skin , raccoon eyes and horse tail glory, you can always replace her with a similar model. The more common a car’s model, the easier it is replaced. There are plenty being produced everyday to console men who have just lost one like my friend.
And here is a pearl of Yeti wisdom for men like my friend who are crying over a woman they only loved fucking:  It is better to have fucked and lost than never fucked at all!
Disclaimer:  The names in the article have been changed for anonymity purposes. And the author does not bear any responsibilities for any resemblance that this piece may have with the life of any Delhi woman, living or dead. If this article hurts any Delhi woman by its attack on their beloved standard model of hotness or their self esteem suffers in the process, the author does not give a fuck and they might all go to hell.  

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