Monday, 3 February 2014

The Rise of the Machines

Homo Sapiens have this great distinction of experiencing a variety of emotions. And love/lust is not complete without a hint of possessiveness and jealousy.  The girl you love or loved and are sleeping  or slept with, the moment you know another guy is shagging her, you get all territorial and jealous. You have this  eye to eye conversation where the other guy looks at you with a smirk that screams, “ I am fucking her like an animal… she likes it… moans and groans for me.” No matter how much you try to ignore this look, it is there when your eyes meet with this new guy. And nothing wrong I say, a very natural emotion. You know what is not natural? Not feeling it.
Yesterday I saw a friend of mine,a good fellow otherwise, with his so called ex girlfriend.  A few days ago, his girl screwed him royally when she decided in a drunken stupor to forget she had a boyfriend and offered herself to one of his friends. No, it was not me unfortunately :( . 'The friend' fucked her for a week or so like he was on a sexual iron man contest and dumped her. She seemed to like it so much that she decided to forget her boyfriend for a 'while'. So, like any man with rudimentary self respect, my friend decided to break up with her. But then keeping with her womanly fickle nature, his ex decided she wanted him back. Yes she screwed up! Mistakes were made! She said that Clinton style.So what? He accepted her back justifying her masculinity and his feminity.
Any man with some masculinity would have never taken her back and punched the hell out of that friend who snatched the pussy lying in a friend’s bed. Nothing ever justifies such a kick in the balls. And pussy or not, masculinity and self respect have to be saved from the vagaries of such sluts. But it seems I was wrong in construing his previous act of break up as a mark of self respect  because  he is so caught up being a pussy himself, he has forgotten the emotions that having being  born with a dick might bring. The feeling of jealousy and possessiveness.  He being a Robo Sapien not only took his girl back but  also that traitor 'friend' (lucky guy, wish we all had such forgiving friends). Now they all sit together and chat like nothing ever happened. In fact, they were discussing the other day as to who had performed better, who got a bigger dick and deciding the order in which they will take turns to fuck her from now on, I am kidding, right, but who knows  what the terminators are up to.
While I will warn you from ever getting serious with such specimens, they come with many advantages and you can exploit them to the fullest and as a matter of fact, you should. If you are looking for serious exclusive stuff or happily ever after, you are bound to get hurt. Run as fast as you could then. Or else, take my advice, change your agenda and wait around to make full use of the opportunity. Now, now do not feel all guilty about it (you can be ashamed for not doing so but not otherwise), they are being called Robo Sapiens for a reason. They are emotionless and operate solely on appetite and convenience. So you can do the same with them. Fuck and run for the door. And  this advice goes out to both men and slutty women.  Making it all a race for who gets their foot out of the door faster and run like Bolt. Such people are a landmine of  opportunities. Fuck them, their sister, mother, wife, boyfriend or dog, they will always understand that you had needs. And the best part is that it is quite safe because you seldom see them running around with knives...

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