I was out with three guy friends bowling last weekend. There
was a group of some ten friends beside us, definitely college going. It had six
girls and four guys. Three guys out on a
weekend and a group of girls around, it is not that tough to figure out, is it?
Of course we were checking them out. Two girls were dressed in shorts, three in
short skirts and one in jeans. And the one in jeans was particularly beautiful
while the other were just average. My friend Rohan said, “ Wow! These girls have
brains to match their looks. Short skirts for bowling? Genius , I say.” Another one of my friend, Pervez joked, “ I
am all for shorts skirts to bowling. It’s comfortable and airy. Helps distract
opponents. And of course helps us guys to see more than these girls are willing
to show.” We burst out laughing. But deep within, all of us wished that it was
the pretty girl flaunting her legs. After all, even the sexual predators and
perverts that we men are made out to be, we still have some taste. In a short
skirt, we prefer to see beautiful shapely long legs staring back at us, not
thunder thighs in all their dimpled glory. But there ,the beautiful one, was dressed up all modestly leaving it only to
our very vivid imagination to undress her. And did I tell you that those girls
in shorts skirts were fat? Did I say fat? I am sorry my bad, I really really
meant ‘real curvy women’. The
beautiful thing had less makeup on her face, while the other five girls were
wearing makeup enough to paint every clown in the circus. But it is alright you
know, I am happy to know cosmetic companies have now stopped animal testing.
And the four guys, they were like dogs on the beck and call of these ‘real curvy’ women, bringing them food
and drinks and fawning over them like they were the ‘shit’. And no they were not their boyfriends. And the pretty girl
had to fend for herself. I am telling
you it is men like these that are the real enemy of all mankind as they give
these plain joes hopes that they are the femme fatales and are entitled to the
best cocks around.
It got us talking on this strange situation unfolding before
us. If I were in that group, I would have starved those fat asses and tended
completely to the beautiful girl and so had any other guy with a sensible dick
in his pants. The other guys concurred. So what was stopping those other guys
from doing what any man should do? My friend Himanshu had a very insightful opinion
on this matter. He said, “ She must be a bitch and stuck up. Look at other
girls laughing and socializing while that girl just sits there looking moody
and pissed.” I am pretty sure Himanshu like every man’s guilty pleasure was indulging
a little too much in chick flicks or may be Sherlock Holmes, giving theories
about a person by just looking at them.
But that conversation got me thinking about the whole trend
of demonizing a beautiful girl without so much as even talking to her. My
friend Himanshu passed a judgment on that girl’s character by just looking at
her face. He might be right, who knows? But why does this prejudice exist especially
about beautiful women? When someone comes looking almost perfect, we choose to
believe the worst in her and quickly dismiss her based on those misconceptions.
I looked at the life of the especially beautiful girls in my workplace. They
are some of the most beautiful women I have seen and having talked to them,
they have been no more unpleasant than any other girl. If I think clearly, may
be even less. But they carry with them the back breaking burden of
misconceptions and sometimes even misery, when women bitch about them and men
are intimidated by them. I have seldom seen
them whoring around ( no office liaisons to climb up the career ladder), they
act in a more dignified manner and yet men rarely approach them citing various
reasons. Women whenever they have talked to me about them have branded them as
bitches and sluts.
So when did beauty become the bitch? In European folklores
and fairytales, it is the beautiful women that have been considered the
repository of virtues. Snow white was a really sweet girl, was she not? And
Cinderella was always being picked on by her ugly sisters? And Ursula, the fat sea
witch had this unhealthy obsession with the destruction of beautiful mermaid,
Ariel. Or take the folklores of any country; they all have stories on similar
lines where the beautiful women are good, kind, compassionate, brave and always
ready to make sacrifices. So when did beauty, trasnform from the paragon of
virtues to become a cold hearted bitch?
I think the answer can be found in the last three to four
decades. Think those high school movies, chick flicks that one grows up
watching. Does Mean Girls, Gossip Girls, etc, etc ring a bell to you in this
regard? Being the vegetables that we
have become taking our instructions from the television ( Yes, we are all Homer
Simpsons), it only makes sense that the movies and the ideas that they present
to us have trickled into real life. The chick flicks and high school movies attract
majority of their viewership from the womankind where beauty is indeed a
rarity. Them chicks sit on the couch eating their bag of Cheetos and
complaining about those roll of fats and acne on the chin screaming alone that
they are no less beautiful. These movies only validate their self perception. When they portray a beautiful blonde as the mean and evil one with the I.Q.
of a bird stomping on an average but saintly girl who eventually beats out the
mean blonde to become the most popular and hottest thing ever, the couch
potatoes get a hope in their hearts that something so miraculous will happen to
them too. But here is a reality check about blondes, most of the breakthrough
scientists and European royalties have been blondes. There are a variety of
misconceptions floating around about beautiful women which in my personal
experience and in the experience of guys, who actually had the sense to date
them or even befriend them have been inaccurate. So next time you say that someone is having a blonde moment,
think hard. Before I start with the common misconceptions that people hold
about beauty, I first need to tell you what I actually mean when I say beauty.
Makeup and surgeries have made beauty a level playing field to a great extent.
But there is no replacement for a natural beauty.
Both men and women have misconceptions about beautiful women.
Women portray them as manipulative, cold hearted bitches and gold digging whores
looking for a new cock every day.
It is
actually these girls who transform from average to marginally hot with
artificial help, suddenly discover the power of beauty and use it to their best
advantage by sitting on a new guy every day. They chase after the hot guys to
gain validity in the eyes of the world, it is a statement to the world that the
hot guy on their arms thinks she is beautiful. They think they are the shit and
turn the good men down brutally. They act like bitches , throw tantrums that
their looks do not warrant and hallucinate that every man in the vicinity is
staring at them or about to rape them. Men see beautiful women as stuck up
bitches who will not even look their way if they do not have a wad of cash
showing in their pockets or look like Adonis. All I have to say to these guys
is that grow some balls, inverting the pyramid will not make true as false and
false as true. We all know you have never had a hot girl in your life because
you are all wusses making excuses for you inferior choices. And All without so
much as even talking to them. And then we turn around and call them a Bitch.
How unfair! I say it is all a conspiracy by the men who have balls the size of
a nut and ugly women to justify themselves and their choices. It is after all a
subaltern narrative. I request you to go back to a conversation with a really
beautiful woman and recall how it went. I am pretty sure it was in no way worse
than a conversation with any average looking
woman who always boast of not being so
pleasant on the outside but beautiful on the inside. I also urge you to not be
such bitches by holding prejudice against beauties you see and actually go talk
to them. And to those four men at the bowling alley, stop being such pussies by
putting mediocre pussy on a pedestal and passing shit for cake. This reminds of
a movie Once upon a time in Mumbai, where the protagonist could not get
his love interest anything expensive to show his love , he bought a 10 rupee
guava for 400 bucks. These guys are doing the same thing passing cheap and valueless shit as beautiful and expensive just to hide their own insecurities
as men.
So grow a good pair of balls and SHARE this post with wusses
touting their average girls as the most beautiful thing ever to step in the
world and beautiful women who are sitting in a room wallowing in self pity over
their presumed bitchiness . God knows they need it! And if no matter how much
you try but your balls refuse to grow, share it anonymously and go see a doctor...
*P.S.For those who have some balls already and have interest in the securities market, here is the tip of the month. Make a decent purchase of Union Bank shares (1000-2000 shares) in the month of march and forget about it. Sell it sometime in late May or June for double the price. Banking sector will take slump in near future (in fact the entire market), so great time to buy.